Unlocking the Science Behind Bioresonance Quantum Technology
As a cutting-edge technology, mainstream science is still uncovering the mechanisms of action behind bioresonance and its connection to the quantum field. Despite this, The Field has gathered remarkable research and results that highlight the efficacy of key aspects of the technology, including bioelectricity, bioresonance, remote healing, and quantum entanglement.
Bioresonance & Remote Sessions
This research paper examines the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy on human health by analyzing 311 patients over a year. The study found that 90% of patients experienced no symptoms or significant improvement of symptoms after 12 months, demonstrating the method's efficacy across various diseases without side effects. Bioresonance is presented as a promising holistic approach, complementing traditional medicine by restoring the body’s energy flow to prevent and treat diseases.
This study highlights the use of remote bioresonance as part of empiric therapeutics, alongside homeopathy, acupuncture, and other naturopathic treatments. Increasingly recognized among physicians and practitioners in German-speaking regions, this method measures the body's electromagnetic oscillations to identify deviations linked to functional disorders. Utilizing a database of approximately 10,500 homeopathic substances, the system applies specific frequencies to address these imbalances, helping restore the body's bioenergetic equilibrium.
Bioresonance & Depression
The research paper investigates the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy in treating recurrent major depressive disorder in 140 patients. Participants were divided into three groups: group 1 received only bioresonance therapy, group 2 received a combination of antidepressants and bioresonance, and group 3 received only antidepressants. Results showed a significant reduction in depression levels across all groups, suggesting that bioresonance therapy can be an effective standalone or complementary treatment for depression.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy for treating moderate and mild recurrent depressive disorder in 40 patients. One group received bioresonance therapy, while the other received selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for five weeks. Results showed a greater improvement in depression severity for the bioresonance group, with a statistically significant difference (P<0.0001) on the Hamilton Scale, indicating bioresonance therapy’s superior effectiveness compared to SSRIs.
Bioresonance & Addiction
This double-blind, placebo-controlled study involved 190 smokers to evaluate the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy for smoking cessation. The active bioresonance group showed significantly higher success rates at 1 week (77.2% vs. 54.8%), 2 weeks (62.4% vs. 34.4%), 1 month (51.1% vs. 28.6%), and 1 year (28.6% vs. 16.1%) compared to the placebo group. Participants in the bioresonance group also reported better health and treatment outcomes, with no adverse side effects observed. The study concluded that bioresonance therapy is effective for smoking cessation.
Bioresonance & Chronic disease
This study assessed the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy in treating hypothyroidism. Three groups of 50 patients each received standard thyroid hormone replacement therapy, with the main group also undergoing 12 sessions of bioresonance therapy. The main group showed significant improvements, including higher free thyroxine levels, lower thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, and better lipid profiles compared to the control and placebo groups. These results suggest that bioresonance therapy enhances conventional treatment and supports stable remission in hypothyroidism.
This study evaluated the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy in treating type 2 diabetes. A total of 413 patients were divided into three groups: the study group received bioresonance therapy alongside standard drug treatment, while the control and placebo groups received drug treatment with or without simulated bioresonance. After three months, the study group showed significantly lower glycated hemoglobin levels, fasting plasma glucose, post-meal glucose, urine glucose, and body mass index than the other groups. These results suggest that bioresonance therapy effectively enhances the management of type 2 diabetes.
Bioresonance & Performance
Research has shown the effectiveness of biofeedback devices in promoting mind-body control, relaxation, improved sleep, emotional regulation, physical balance, and behavior modification. Used in sports performance enhancement for over 30 years, including at the Olympic level, biofeedback supports athletes by improving recovery, pain management, emotional stability, and mental preparation. Sports physiologists highlight biofeedback as a key tool for controlling activation levels, managing mood swings, and ensuring physiological readiness for peak performance. It may also enhance concentration and rhythmically stimulate cardiovascular and respiratory systems, reducing response time and boosting overall performance.

Let’s get quantum
Remote bioresonance technology works through the quantum field. Like a bioelectric signature—or "the unique song of you"—this connection relies on principles like quantum entanglement, non-locality, quantum information, and morphogenetic field structures. Once viewed as pseudoscience, these ideas are now being studied in quantum mechanics and bioelectricity.
Today, we witness a powerful convergence of science, spirituality, and consciousness theories. In this space of rediscovery, technologies like bioresonance hold the potential to bridge abstract concepts with tangible solutions—validated through decades of results, even when though their mechanisms of action remained elusive and controversial.
If you're ready to explore the scientific elements underlying this groundbreaking technology, you are invited to dive into this section with curiosity and an open mind.
To understand the science behind these studies, it helps to grasp a few essential concepts from quantum mechanics and quantum biology:
Quantum Superposition: A particle can exist in multiple states or locations at the same time.
Quantum Entanglement: Two particles, no matter the distance, can act as one and influence each other instantly.
Wave-Particle Duality: Particles can behave both as waves and particles simultaneously.
Bioelectricity: The electrical charges and currents within the body regulate biological processes and facilitate communication between cells, tissues, and organs.
These principles provide a framework for understanding remote treatments and the deep interconnections between energy, matter, and consciousness.
A study on developmental bioelectricity highlights how cellular networks use bioelectric signaling to regulate pattern formation and control complex anatomical shapes. By reviewing recent research across model systems, the study demonstrates how bioelectricity can guide regeneration and repair, offering insights into birth defects, injuries, and cancer. Advanced molecular tools and quantitative strategies to decode bioelectric signals hold promise for breakthroughs in bioengineering and regenerative medicine.
Cellular bioelectricity describes the biological phenomenon in which cells in living tissue generate and maintain patterns of voltage gradients across their membranes induced by differing concentrations of charged ions. A growing body of research suggests that bioelectric patterns represent an ancient system that plays a key role in guiding many important developmental processes including tissue regeneration, tumor suppression, and embryogenesis. Using distributed algorithm theory, researchers found that bioelectric systems efficiently perform tasks like symmetry breaking, leader election, and majority detection, proving their computational power as Turing complete. This work provides new insights into the information-processing capabilities of bioelectric interactions and their biological significance.
Quantum Entanglement
Since its discovery, quantum entanglement has challenged some of the best-established views of the world: locality and reality. This review explores the latest breakthroughs in quantum entanglement, focusing on how scientists create and control complex quantum states in light particles (photons). These advancements are opening doors to revolutionary technologies like ultra-secure communication, a future quantum internet, and even teleporting all the information carried by a single photon. By understanding how particles can be linked and work together across space and time, researchers are finding new ways to build more reliable and efficient quantum systems.
The same discrete coherent frequency pattern of electromagnetic waves that determines local and non-local states is also applicable to biological order, with quantum entanglement being a prerequisite for life.
This study introduces the GM-model, a biophysical principle describing how coherent and non-coherent EM frequencies affect life conditions. These frequencies align with a Pythagorean scale of ratios and hierarchical patterns. A meta-analysis of 60 physics studies on entangled particles (EPR experiments) confirmed that the EM frequencies promoting entanglement match this scale. The findings suggest that life relies on these discrete, coherent EM patterns, supporting theories like David Bohm’s implicate order, where quantum waves and zero-point energy fields guide biological systems.
Biophysics and Morphic resonance
Electric and electromagnetic forces are crucial for self-organization and long-distance communication in biological systems, connecting quantum processes to larger-scale functions. This review shows that biophysical processes, from molecules to complex systems, depend on these forces for organization and communication beyond traditional pathways like nerves or blood flow. Quantum phenomena, such as electron tunneling in enzymes, suggest that quantum information processing extends throughout organisms. Resonance effects involving phonons and photons also impact cellular structures and molecules, with water playing a key role in facilitating these interactions.